Thursday, February 4, 2010

When all is said and done...

I would like to thank those who commented on my previous post for your time and useful comments. It has indeed helped me in formulating a potential solution to resolve this conflict.

What would I have done if I was in Becky’s shoes? 
I would keep the friendship with Andy and that of with Carl separately, ensuring that the two realms of friendship do not accidentally overlap and cause any further cross-fires. 
I would allow ample time for Carl to calm down and come to terms with what has happened. I am willing to give it as long as it takes. It is not easy to have a friendship with people for such a long time and I do not want it to end just like that.
When I feel the time is right, I will softly sound Carl about his opinion of Andy’s decision and how much does he value the friendship that the three of us have shared for so long. Also, I would approach Andy and ask of his opinion on how he would perceive the friendship the three of us after all this. I feel it is important to hear what both of them think about what is left of this friendship and work from there.
If I receive positive feedback from the both of them, I would then arrange for a meet-up for all to gather and talk when I feel is most appropriate. Should things go accordingly, I strongly believe that the bond the three of us share would be stronger than it was before.

Back to reality, that conflict has not been resolved yet. It is currently in the “cooling off” phase. Maybe if that last meeting had not been arranged, things might have played out differently. Who knows? What’s done is done. We can’t turn back the clock to undo our actions now.

These things take time and it cannot be rushed. I do hope for the best for Andy, Becky and Carl. The friendship they had was a really beautiful one and it is a pity to see it break just like that.

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