Saturday, January 23, 2010

Do you understand what I am saying? - edited

Why is effective communication important for me?

Effective communication provides me with the platform to be able to clearly express myself and avoid confusion. On several occasions when I have some information to be passed on, I sometimes find myself getting frustrated when the receiver gets it wrong. I think to myself, how hard can it be to understand what I have just said? It isn’t too much information. It is from little heated discussions that arguments and disputes might arise. When equipped with skills in effective communication, I can be more effectively understood.

By being able to effectively communicate with others, I can forge new friendships. Effective communication promotes greater opportunities for the exchange of ideas and personal opinions thus potentially turning mere acquaintances into friends. They would be able to get to know each other better especially so when they realize that the “stranger” actually shares a similar train of thought with them. And this might mark the beginning of a beautiful friendship!
Effective Communication helps me maintain and nourish my existing ties with friends and family, while also equipping me with necessary social skills to connect with even more people. With this tool, misunderstandings are less likely to occur, and even if they do, any disputes between us can be discussed and perhaps more easily sorted out. Relationships with my friends and family mean a lot to me, and it is really depressing when someone you know becomes someone you knew. Thus, my knowing of how and when to express my opinions, the more honest I can be with myself and others, unnecessary misunderstandings and frustrations can then be avoided.
Knowledge of these skills might just give me that competitive edge over the other applicants vying for a particular job. In addition, working with other colleagues would become a whole lot easier. The initial awkwardness and feelings of intimidation arising from working with a particular person for the first time would slowly wear off as people get to know each other better. Projects could then be completed more efficiently as colleagues are more aware of the different working styles within the group and problems can be quickly resolved.
In conclusion, effective communication can serve us in so many different ways, to be able to better present ourselves and also to maintaining good relationships with others. It proves itself to be an important skill to have to assist me in my future.


  1. Dear Nicole,

    Your post, like Glenn's, has a delicately organised structure that makes it easy for the reader to catch the general gist of what your entire post. I thought that was wonderful and like what I have said to Glenn I think I have much to learn from the way the two of you organised your points in a nice flow.

    I can't agree with you more on the part that effective communication can really help avoid unnecessary conflicts and misunderstandings. I am not particularly good at interpersonal communication with people who are very opinionated. So at times I do feel quite frustrated when they just don't empathise with me and try to see from my point of view. Many times in the middle of the conflict I just choose to surrender and take the fault because I especially do not like to get into heated arguments. But like what you mentioned, I guess I am at fault too. I need to learn how to better express myself in times of frustration.

    I like your post, for the circumstances you brought up to discuss are those I can relate to. Something I feel is important about communication whether oral or written is the ability to connect with your audience. Congratulations as I think you have done a good job on that!

  2. Nice summary of your thoughts on effective communication.

    I find myself saying again that while I do agree that communication helps in relationships with friends, it can only be effective when supported by a strong character base.

    For example, listening helps in any relationship. At the end of the day, we like feeling understood and hear. There are mutiple books on active listening, which teach us to nod, smile and do various other things that help give the impression to the person on the other side that we are listening.

    However, if this is not backed up with a desire to listen and understand that person, the active listening skills would be a facade that people would begin to see through.

    I love the quote -
    'Personality helps open doors. Character keeps them open'

  3. I can feel your enthusiasm and excitment radiating from the screen of my notebook as I read your blog post. I can imagine you telling your story in a highly animated manner.

    The point that effective communication allows allows you to strengthen the relationship between loved ones left the deepest impression on me. I too can recall the times where I wished that such misunderstandings never took place. Like you said, effective communication can help reduce such incidences and thus foster closer ties.

    Rohan mentioned that character is fundamental to sustaining the relationship. May I then suggest that in addition to communication, a more forgiving spirit between loved ones is also essential. The potential for misunderstands to occur will always be with us so long as there are more than one mind, but the right spirit of forgiveness transcends any misunderstanding.

  4. Dear Nicole,

    You do a very god job of focusing/developing your thoughts in this post and you've generated lots of good feedback. I especially like the way you bring effective comm skills down to the success of relationships.

    Generally, your ideas are concise and clear. However, there are some problems in language use. Many of these are of the same nature and involve what we call dangling modifiers. Here is an example of a adjective phrase that modifies a noun:

    Knowing she would think badly of me if I skipped class, I attended every lesson.

    Look at your adjective phrases in the following examples and take note of the problems.

    1) When equipped with skills in effective communication, it would then allow me to be heard and not misunderstood. >>> When equipped with skills in effective communication, ****I***** can be more effectively understood.

    2) By being able to effectively communicate with others, new bonds of friendship can be created. >>> By being able to effectively communicate with others.....Who? I!

    3) to better maintain the relationship between my family and friends >>> to better maintain the relationshipS with my family members and friends

    4) With this tool, misunderstandings are less likely to occur, and even if they do, any disputes between the two can be discussed and sorted out easily. >>> With this tool, misunderstandings are less likely to occur, and even if they do, any disputes between us can be discussed and perhaps more easily sorted out.

    5) Thus knowing how and when to express my opinions, the more honest I can be with myself and others, >>> Thus, knowing how and when to express my opinions, the more honest I can be with myself and others... >>> knowing..., who?

    Of course, good writte communication is a basis for lots of professional communication, and that's why I nitpick here. Please forgive me!

    I look forward to reading your upcoming posts!

  5. Hey Nicole, I’m impressed with how you have elaborated each of your points in the post. I felt they were well thought out and described. The situations you have put out have also gotten me to think of similar situations that I might have encountered. I like the point where you used family and friends as an example of effective communication. I believe its situation where most people can relate to. I also like the fact that your post has a personal touch to it.

    Good Job!

  6. Hi Nicole,

    I have realized that we do see eye to eye in the ways effective communication can improve our lifestyles and is thus crucial for our personal development.

    I like your little comic in the end and I will definitely be looking forward to your next post!

  7. Thank you all for your insightful comments & critiques!
