Sunday, April 18, 2010

As Good As It Gets

Time flies. To me, it feels like I just came back from my exchange programme in London and I’m still struggling to get used to the pace of studying in NUS. And yet, 13 weeks have passed.

This module was one that I started out not really enjoying due to the amount of work that had to be done with each session. However, it turned out to be one of the modules that I grew to love and enjoy so very much. It was a pleasure working with Brad and the wonderful classmates in Group 8.

I’ll be honest here. I bided for this module for various reasons other than truly wanting to improve my communication skills. Firstly, I was told it was a really slack module by a friend (Well, to all those who thought the same, we were proven wrong, weren’t we?). Secondly, there was no final examination and I really do prefer modules that do not have a final exam so I can focus on studying for my other core modules. However, after taking this module, my perspectives have changed. I have gained so much from this module in this one semester.

I’ve gained much more confidence in myself when it comes to writing, be it for a semi-formal setting as in the blog posts, or for more formal settings such as writing business correspondences, job application letters and the resume. I do have a personal blog, but it is not as formal as this one. Initially I was really afraid of the comments I’d receive at the end of each blog post, I don’t know how my fellow classmates would react to my writings. But with time, this fear was transformed into excitement to find out what they have to say, and also how I can improve. It made the whole learning process all the more fun and enjoyable. I love to read blog posts and the comments that follow. I like to put myself in the other person’s shoes for a bit and to see the world through their eyes.

I’ve also picked up some pretty good presentation and sell-yourself techniques. Thanks to the feedback I’ve received from Brad and my fellow classmates, I now know what some of the flaws I have in my presentations and I will work to correct them. Through the mock interviews (though it was kind of staged), I feel I am aware of some of the things that the interviewer might look out for. With knowledge of these and resume and application writing skills, I might just be able to market myself to clinch my ideal job in the future, just maybe. The mock interviews were so much fun! Playing a role that is different from who you really are, like playing the bad guy (recalls Joshua’s evil persona); and knowing how your classmates feel about your performance. I remember Jie Ren telling Goh Chern (I think) that I was going to be a very strict interviewer and just recently, I learnt that Diana (1) found it hard to be mean to me. All in all, this made the mock interviews a really fun experience.

Indeed, the writing, interview and presentation skills were great takeaways from this course. But, the greatest takeaway for me is the wonderful friends that I have made. All these experiences wouldn’t have been as wonderful as they were if it wasn’t for wonderful classmates and an ever so supportive lecturer. They have provided me with encouragement and have made the sessions fun. Preparing for the various assignments might have felt like a chore, but attending class was one of the things I look forward to on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Thank you Brad for the patience and guidance you have showered us with. Thank you Clement, Diana, Emily, Glenn, Godwin, Goh Chern, Jasper, Jie Ren, Jolene, Joshua, Kian Leong, Kun Lin (pity you couldn’t join us for the last session), Pei Rong, Rohan, Weiying and Zhisheng for being such wonderful classmates. It has been a pleasure working with you all! :)


  1. Hi Nicole,

    Indeed, I suppose ES2007S this semester did involve quite a bit of work, didn't it?

    Nevertheless, I am glad that you have found that you have gotten a lot out of this module instead of coming along for a slack ride. Though I suppose now's finally the time we get to enjoy the benefit of taking a module without finals..

  2. Dear Nicole

    Yes, definitely not a slack module! Great post! Loved every bit of it!

    All the best!

  3. Nicole

    Appreciated your effort in typing all our names in your blog post. Diana(1) is not the only who found it hard to be mean to you at the mock interview... Diana(2) faced the same problem! (laughs!)

    Come August you'd be embarking on your FYP for it's your final year in NUS. All the best to you Nicole! Meanwhile, good luck for the upcoming exams and enjoy the holidays that come thereafter!

  4. This is an incredibly comprehensive reflection, Nicole. I like the way you honestly reveal your motivation for taking the course, and that you can chuckle about that now in light of all the work you've done. Slack course? Clement had heard the same thing; I wonder how such a rumor has been spread.

    In any case, I also appreciate the way you review the takeaways from the course and am happy there are so many. Of course, much of that is based on your own investment, your effort. You've done a very fine job and now you can smile about it.

    As far as the camaraderie goes, you and the others have been stellar in giving each other the time, support and due attention that leads to trust and real friendships. Like you, I feel that has been a very impressive aspect of your group. Thank you for contributing so much to that.

    And all the best in your future, Nicole!

  5. Hey Nicole!

    I do agree with you that this is not a slack module but that is mainly due to the "spoiling of market"! All thanks to the bell curve, there is no such thing know as a slack module (unless you're only looking for a pass).

    Great to have you around in class! Hope we'll meet up again during the BBQ!

  6. @Clement, @Rohan & @Kun Lin: Thank you for taking time to read this post! I hope it wasn’t because you needed to make at least 2 comments on someone else’s blog (haha). I hope you both have enjoyed the course as much as I have. It has been fun interacting with people who are not from my faculty! :)

  7. @Goh Chern: Guess I am too nice a person, aren’t I? :p
    Year 4 comes too soon! I feel I have not thoroughly enjoyed the past three years of my university life. Well, they say time flies when you are having fun (and also when you are so so busy!). Thank you for contributing to making ES2007S fun and enjoyable! Thank you! :)

  8. @Brad: Rumors and more rumors. People, who have taken this module before, talk of the fun they have had during the course of the semester. With fun, the work seems less like a chore. From there, it might have been where the details of the workload were omitted. Who knows? (lol)
    I guess indeed it was based on my own investment and effort. Without the appropriate platform for this to be done, I wouldn’t have been able to learn what I have. And this course has provided me with that platform! Thank you, Brad!

  9. I would have typed more if not for the need to use grammatically correct English. (LOL)

  10. Dear Nicole!

    Yes I remember the first day vividly! And I was so shocked to see you that I was speechless (at least for a couple of seconds). I'm glad I had a friendly face at the start of the semester.

    You were a great classmate and I really do appreciate your honesty. Thank you for all your smiles and cheer that you bring to class. See you soon!
