Thursday, April 22, 2010

Word to the Wise.

This final post serves as the final blog post I will be posting for ES2007S (2009/2010 Semester II). But it does not mark the end of our journey to becoming effective communicators. It is only the beginning. As we go our separate ways, I hope you all remember the lessons we have learnt and the wonderful bonds you have helped to create. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Don't be afraid to try. It is through these wrong decisions that we gain experience and we thus learn from it. I wish you all a wonderful learning experience ahead!!

But this might not mark the end of this blog. I do like the blog address (haha). I've been inspired to try to put in an effort to keep this blog going. I will try! Till next time, my fellow readers! :)


  1. The post-posting post...I love it! Keep at the blogging here, Nicole. Make it your work of cyber art!

    Love the thoughts, too, especially the idea that wrong decisions can lead to the right ones. Insh'allah! Oh to be so lucky to have the chance to right past wrongs. And to have the chance for success!

    Here's to hope, Nicole! All the best!

  2. Ha! I half expected this coming! But it's pretty hard to blog when there isn't an audience!

    Will try to check back this space for more posts in the future! (:

    All the best!

  3. Hey guys!

    Didn't think I would get a response to this post really. Nor was I expecting to receive responses a day after I made this post!
    Thank you! It has really encouraged me and inspired me even more. :)

    I do have some ideas in mind on what I'll like to post on this blog. When I feel inspired, I will sit down and properly type it out. :)

