Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Have a Nice Day!

It is actually quite difficult to think of a topic to blog about here. This blog isn't the same as my own personal blog where I can rant and share about my daily life. It isn't the same as my tumblog where I can randomly reblog and post pictures or quotes that I like. It isn't the same as twitter where I can just text whatever I am thinking/doing at this very moment. This blog, on its own, is unique. It is a need-to-think-before-I-post type of blog. 

But now, I'm in an after-exams type of 'mode' and it is time to have some fun before I dive into laboratory work. 

When I feel inspired to churn something out, I know where to do that. HERE! Till then! 


  1. Hi Nicole,

    Eagerly awaiting your inputs! Let us all know about what you secretive scientists are doing in those mysterious labs ALL day long!
